


Hey everyone, we have started getting lots of videos on the site, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel.

We have a new Rating System for our reviews.

1/10= I wouldn't even throw this game in the bin, I'd walk down to the dump and shove it into the trash compacter myself!

2/10= It's a bit rubbish as Doctor Who would say.

3/10= If it was pushing it's luck it would be worth a few bucks.

4/10= Pretty average. Not worth buying.

5/10= Neither horrible but neither great, in the middle.

6/10= Okay, worth twenty bucks.

7/10= Worth a shot, rent it first before buying it.

8/10= Pretty good, worth a shot, not the end of the world if it's bad.

9/10= Really good, I would reccomend a game of this rating.

10/10= Pure awesomeness! I would reccomend this game to a hippie who hated technology!

The History of Hitman

Hitman Codename 47 (2000) A good game if you understood it. A horrible game if you found it confusing.

Hitman 2 Silent Assassin (2002) A large advance on the previous game. Simple and fun to play.

Hitman Contracts (2004) A decent game but very similar to Hitman 2.

Hitman Blood Money (2006) A brilliant game with a large replayability factor.

Hitman Absolution (2012) A masterpiece, prefect campaign and contracts is great.


Where Do you Watch our Videos

Premium Gamer (42) 75%

Youtube (9) 16%

Both (5) 9%

Total votes: 56


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